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  • Writer's pictureTim Robinson

September A Month of Firsts!

Updated: Dec 6, 2021

September brought several firsts for our family, with the biggest first being that Cora started Kindergarten! The last several years Cora has been attending a language immersion pre-school where she has been learning Spanish and Mandarin, so we were thrilled for her to be able to continue her bilingual lingual journey as part of the inaugural class for the dual language (Spanish/English) within our school district.

After a year plus of being shut down we we're also able to get Leo into his first swimming lesson! Leo loves the water just like his sister, and had all the swim class songs memorized by about day three.

In addition to starting Kindergarten, Cora also started dance this fall with an intro to ballet/tap class! Cora has always loved music and dancing, so we were excited for her to have the opportunity to further explore this interest!


The Mob

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